Advance Booking
Please choose one of the options below to complete your booking for the conference. You should receive a confirmation email shortly after completion and this will be followed up with an invoice. Please check your junk email folder.
Please click one of the following options
Pay Conference by School Invoice
Can only pay using your school procurement system? The TTA can be added to your local authority procurement system but you have to request it from your authority. We can provide the details. Ask your authority procurement supervisor to contact the TTA on this email address.
Pay Conference by PayPal
If you wish to pay using PayPal follow the above link where you will be asked to fill in a form then taken to PayPal to complete payment. You will receive a confirmation email once this is complete.
University Student
If you are an University Student, please click the link above to fill in a form. We will then confirm this through your university.
Retired TTA Members
Retired TTA members are able to attend the conference for £25. Please click the above link and fill in the form. You will then be sent an invoice for the payment method of your choosing.